Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well another year has come. Things around here have been getting worse. Unemployment is going to get cut off soon, and I still need to find a job. I'm not sure what is worse, the worry of or the fact that we will be broke soon. Yeah I know God is great and He has taken care of us, but...... I still think.
Is thinking such a bad thing? Yeah I should have more faith in every aspect of my life, but I don't. It's been a rough 40 years. I have had to sweat from 16 on up to now to get where I am and keep what I have. Well I'm still looking for that job. Once again I get screwed and have to get back into trucking. It's not what I want to do, but it's what I know, and I hate it. I have the money for the education. It's there, but so are the bills. So as the days go on I get more resentful and hate life more and more. I know that everyday is something that we need to rejoice in, but come on can a guy get a break? I have sacrificed more then anyone that I know to get where I am at, but it's still not enough.
So what next. Where do I go or who do I turn to? It's a tough question. But I know the answer. I turn to myself. I need to put my family so far ahead of my needs and wants that last place is looks good. I need to forget about school and live with the fact that trucking is going to be my life and my death.
So here's to my family and trucking. Sometime I feel the same about both. Love you all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas and Christ.

Well after another birthday has come and gone, now still feel the same. But this year I have a wonderful wife and daughter. I enjoy my "father time" with Aurora. She is growing bigger everyday. I love the time we get to spend together, but it's not all roses. Oh don't get me wrong she is a great kid but....
I guess it's all part of being a father. The early wake up calls from her bed, the changing of the guard when it's play time, or just cuddle time all around. I enjoy it, but then I sometimes don't. Oh yes she is the joy of my life, but I need to get out and have some time away. The short trips to the store, or to get a video are my little times away. I enjoy them and take them whenever I can, but I guess that when she gets older things will change. Mindi and I will get our room back, Aurora will eat solid food, and life will be great. Lol. I must wake up from my dream.
As Christmas comes and I'm still looking for a job I'm looking outside of California for a better way of life for my family. It just scares me when I think of moving. Selling everything off, packing the rest, and running away for a job. What about the family we have left behind? Do they count in all this. Will Aurora ever see my family again? I know most will never come to see us where ever we land, but I still wonder. What will life throw at us if we do move. It has been on my heart for sometime now. I don't want to, but I think God does, so we must.
The only thing I can hope for is that my family will understand. I need a job, and I want away. I want away from my family. I want my rules and my family, but being so close to them, miles wise, I can't. But how far does guilt travel? I may soon find out.
Until then have a great Christmas and a awesome New year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Blog.

Well this is my first blog. I have looked at others but this is my first time setting it up and starting something like this. I am a private person and I really do not like allowing others to looking into my life, but here it goes.
I really enjoy reading other blogs that my peeps post. It's a look into their life and what is going in others homes. My life is some what uninteresting and sometime boring but I do have some things that I can post and keep everyone up on.
My wife, Mindi, and I enjoy raising our daughter together. It has been rough for me because I have been out of work since July 8th. I'm sure it has been rough for Mindi also. Having me around 24/7. I know that I am not the best person to comply with the rules or the house hold, but I try and things still pile up in my little spot. I just hope that Aurora will not get my bad habits of letting things go and not cleaning up, but I am sure that mom will put a quick end to that.
Well I will try and post things as I go so I can explain where I am coming from so you, all those that look at this, will understand my life and what makes me tick. I look forward to hearing from all that read this. Love you. Rusty.